Unsere Core Values

Wir haben uns als internationales Team darauf verständigt, diese fünf Prinzipien als Grundsätze für uns und unsere Entscheidungen zu nutzen.

Act like an owner

An owner makes wise decisions, takes responsibility and acts in favor of the team and company.

We build things we are proud of

We always identify with our products by challenging ourselves and insist on the highest standards to make the impossible, possible.

Be the best team

Our company has passionate, respectful, straightforward, honest, diverse and open-minded members who commit to well discussed team decisions.

Automation over manual repetition

We are efficient in finding and optimizing automated solutions to strive for excellence in order to never do things more than once.

See something, do something

Everyone is an example in solving the cause of a problem right away and taking responsibility, even if it’s not ones fault.